Premier Pest Control in Carteret, NJ

Offering pest control and wildlife removal for homes and businesses in Carteret, NJ. Our solutions cover rodents, insects, and other pests to keep your property safe.

About Us

E&G Exterminators has been serving New Jersey since 1981, providing high-quality pest control for both residential and commercial properties. What began as a small, tight-knit team focused on nursing homes and hospitals under Edward Gorczynski’s leadership has grown into a robust, family-owned business with a talented crew of over 35 experts driving its success. Pests at home driving you crazy? We take care of ants, cockroaches, and those unwanted furry critters like squirrels and raccoons that think they own the place.

From detecting the first sign of trouble to banishing the last pest, we take a thorough, stepped approach that prioritizes your safety above all. Staying current with the latest industry developments is crucial to our approach – it’s how we guarantee you get the best possible solutions. Four decades of rolling up our sleeves and tackling tough challenges have distilled our brand into a trusted force that customers know they can count on – period. Clients who’ve seen real progress and achievements with our help are usually more than happy to spread the word, and that organic growth is a huge credit to our team’s tireless efforts to put customers first.

Our Residential Pest Control in Carteret, NJ

Our company provides an extensive array of pest control solutions for homes across New Jersey. Pest problems don’t stand a chance against our arsenal of custom-designed solutions, born from decades of experience. Say goodbye to unwanted critters and hello to a cozy home with our flexible services – from routine maintenance to one-time treatments – designed to keep your family safe and sound year-round.

Quarterly Home Protection Plans

Our quarterly home protection plans provide thorough protection against a variety of pests. pests can turn up at any time, which is why we’re proactive. Regular inspections and treatments are crucial to maintaining a safe and healthy living space – all year, every year.

One-Time Pest Services

For sudden pest issues, our one-time pest services provide quick and effective solutions. A pest infestation can be overwhelming, but we step in to tackle the issue rapidly, taking care to restore your property to a comfortable, pest-free zone.

Pest Control Programs

Our specialized pest control programs cater to both residential and commercial properties. Imagine having a pest-free space that stays that way. Our programs are built to provide lasting solutions, crafted to tackle the unique challenges you face.

Rodent Exclusion

Protect your property from rodents with our rodent exclusion services. Don’t let rodents sneak in – we scan for openings, shut them down, and set up strong defenses to keep your space pest-free and peaceful.

Mosquito Service

Our mosquito service targets these annoying and potentially harmful insects. Living outdoors is all about freedom, but mosquitoes can quickly turn it into a hassle. That’s where we come in – our treatments tackle the problem, giving you back the sunshine and fresh air you crave.

Bed Bugs

Combat bed bugs with our dedicated extermination services. Imagine sinking into a peaceful slumber, free from the annoyance of unwanted visitors. Our team makes it happen, meticulously examining and treating trouble spots to render your home pest-free.

All Types of Wildlife

We handle all types of wildlife removal and exclusion, ensuring your property remains safe from animals like raccoons, squirrels, and more. Wildlife and property owners, we’ve got you both covered! Our methods step in to prevent damage while respecting the natural habitats of the creatures that inhabit them.


Our squirrel control services prevent these critters from causing damage to your property. We take out existing squirrel populations and seal off any potential entry points, leaving your home or business completely squirrel-free.


Raccoons can be a significant nuisance, but our experts are here to help. You didn’t invite them in, but somehow raccoons found a way. Let us expertly evict these furry invaders and fortify your home against future intrusions.

Our Commercial Pest Control Services

We offer specialized pest control solutions for commercial properties in New Jersey. From our decades-long vantage point, we’ve watched industries evolve and witnessed the singular challenges that each one presents. Imagine an environment where your business can flourish, uninterrupted by downtime and jeopardized reputation. That’s exactly what we provide – a secure, germ-free space that lets you focus on growth. Wherever you are – in a warehouse, a hospital, or somewhere in between – we pinpoint your needs and craft solutions to tackle them head-on.

Food Warehouses

Pest control in food warehouses is crucial to prevent contamination and comply with industry regulations. Our targeted treatments safeguard your inventory and maintain a pest-free environment.

Elderly and Healthcare Centers

Ensuring a clean and safe environment in healthcare facilities is vital. Our pest control services help protect vulnerable populations from infestations, ensuring compliance with health standards.

Non-Food Warehouses

Our pest control solutions for non-food warehouses focus on preventing damage to stored goods. We implement strategies to keep your inventory intact and your facility pest-free.

Office Buildings

A pest-free office environment promotes productivity and well-being. Our services ensure that your workspace remains clean and free from pests, contributing to a healthy work atmosphere.

Hospitality Industry

In the hospitality sector, maintaining a pest-free environment is key to guest satisfaction. Our pest control services help you uphold high hygiene standards, protecting your reputation and clientele.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can severely impact any business, especially those in the hospitality and healthcare sectors. Our effective treatments eliminate bed bug infestations, ensuring the comfort and safety of your clients.


Pest control in restaurants is essential to avoid health code violations and protect your customers. Our services ensure a hygienic dining experience, keeping your establishment pest-free.

Special Services

Our special services extend beyond standard pest control in Carteret, NJ, to meet unique needs and challenges, ensuring your property stays safe, clean, and well-maintained. From dealing with wildlife residues to upgrading insulation, we offer services that protect your health and property.

Rodent and Wildlife Cleanup/Disinfecting

We offer cleanup and disinfecting services for areas impacted by rodents and wildlife. This is crucial to prevent disease transmission and ensure a sanitized environment.

Insulation Removal and Replacement

Our team removes old, contaminated insulation and replaces it with fresh materials. This service improves energy efficiency and maintains a healthier living space.

Gutter Cleaning and Gutter Tunnels

Regular gutter cleaning prevents water damage and pest infestations. Our gutter tunnel installations offer long-term solutions to keep your gutters clear and functional

Duct Cleaning

Clean ducts are essential for indoor air quality. Our duct cleaning service removes dust, allergens, and contaminants, ensuring a healthier atmosphere in your home or business.

Structural Damage Repair

We repair structural damage caused by pests, restoring the integrity of your property. This service helps prevent further deterioration and maintains the value of your asset.

Real Estate Inspections

Our real estate inspections identify potential pest issues before you buy or sell a property. This ensures transparency and helps in making informed decisions about the transaction.

Common Pest Problems We Solve

Are pests like ants, termites, and rodents troubling you? These unwelcome invaders can cause extensive damage to your property, spread dangerous diseases, and create daily disruptions. Our pest control solutions are crafted to address these concerns effectively, ensuring your home or business stays secure. We are committed to providing a safer, cleaner environment by removing these pests and preventing future infestations. Let us help restore comfort and safety to your space.

Why Choose E&G Pest Exterminators in Carteret, NJ?

The trusted choice for pest control in Carteret, NJ, with nearly 40 years of industry knowledge, provides reliable and effective solutions. Our dedicated team guarantees your property stays safe and pest-free, employing the latest methods and creating personalized plans based on your needs.


Expertise and Experience

With decades of experience, our professionals handle pest issues efficiently, offering trusted solutions that protect your property from various pests.


Customizable Plans

We offer flexible pest control plans designed to fit your specific needs, ensuring effective management of pest problems unique to your situation.


Advanced Technology and Eco-Friendly Methods

Using cutting-edge technology and environmentally friendly techniques, we provide effective pest control while prioritizing safety and sustainability.


Exceptional Customer Service

Our commitment to outstanding customer service means we’re always ready to address your concerns and ensure your satisfaction with our pest control solutions.


24/7 Availability

We are available around the clock to respond to pest emergencies, providing prompt and reliable service whenever you need it.

Our Partners and Awards

Why Customers Like Us!


Great service, knowledgeable, professional, and on TIME!!! The technician, Gianni, was very polite when entering my home (he even took his boots off). He was thorough checking my attic and gave me pointers on what to look for when it comes to squirrels, raccoons, even bats and mice. He then proceeded onto the roof showing me where the Raccoons were getting into the attic. He made sure everything was secured and sealed. I would definitely recommend E&G Pest Solutions to family and friends. Great experience!!! Thank you again Gianni.

Vibez Gaming

We prefer John but are happy to have anybody come to spray for ants and fill the bait traps back up. John has been coming to our place for over 15 years so he knows the layout best which is why we prefer him, but we always get exceptional service from anyone who comes! The receptionists are helpful scheduling is around office hours since we have a home office. And every single technician is professional and friendly and always willing to listen to us to go above and beyond what they would normally do! We live with our back to the woods so we have them out every week or so in the spring and summer to spray for ants and every month in the winter to help control the mice situation. They’ve even gotten rid of flying squirrels for us! Can’t beat E&G!

Rita M.

About three weeks ago i had someone from E&G come out and give me a estimate for raccoons. I had decided to go with the Company They sent out their animal man Eddie Morris and I’m so happy they did he was not only very knowledgeable but very kind and did a thorough inspection of my home and did a marvelous job. he put a one way tunnel on and told me to wait 2 weeks if i don’t hear the noises they would come back out to clean and sanitize and seal the entries. I would recommend this company to anyone.

Louis T.

I have used E & G for many years and have been extremely satisfied with the service. Both customer service and technical competence, particularly the specialist, John R. is amazing. Knowledgeable, detailed, attentive and a creative problem solver. Plus super kind and friendly to work with.

Jill in Highland Park

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we stand by the effectiveness of our services and offer warranties for many of our pest control solutions. Specific warranty details will be provided during your service consultation, ensuring transparent and reliable coverage.

We have specialized protocols for sensitive environments to ensure minimal disruption and maximum safety. Our technicians are trained to adhere to strict guidelines, utilizing suitable, low-impact treatments designed specifically for these critical areas.

Yes, we offer seasonal pest control services to address pests that are more prevalent during certain times of the year. This includes treatments for insects like mosquitoes in the summer and rodents seeking shelter in the winter.

Our long-term prevention strategy includes regular inspections, maintenance treatments, and educating clients on best practices for keeping their properties pest-free. We focus on identifying and addressing the root causes of infestations to provide lasting protection.

We respect our clients’ privacy and confidentiality. All interactions and data are handled with strict discretion, ensuring that your information remains secure and private throughout our service process.

Call Our Specialists For Pest Control in Carteret, NJ, Today!

Need reliable pest control in Carteret, NJ? Contact E&G Pest Exterminators for expert assistance. Our team is prepared to offer customized solutions to maintain a pest-free environment for your home or business. Don’t wait until it’s too late—reach out today to ensure a safe and comfortable environment. Call us now for immediate service!

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