Enjoy Pest-Free Homes and Businesses in Fair Lawn, NJ

Experience peace of mind and say goodbye to pests in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. We are committed to providing high-quality, 100% guaranteed pest control services to ensure your satisfaction.

Fair Lawn Pest Control & Exterminator

Pests don’t disappear overnight, and neither should pest control in Fair Lawn. At E&G Pest Solutions, we can help identify the type of pest invading your space and develop a targeted strategy for elimination. Keeping your home or business pest-free requires knowledge, experience, and the right tools. At E&G Pest Solutions, we have all three.

Modern life is busy enough without the added stress of dealing with pests. You shouldn’t constantly worry about pests lurking at every corner.  This is where we come in. Our specialized service plans are backed by a friendly, professional team who will provide a full and detailed explanation of our scope of work before starting.

Our honest pricing estimates after the initial inspection give you time to prepare. Then, when we’re done, we’ll leave your property in better shape than when we came in.

We understand that pest extermination isn’t a one-time service. Our lines remain open for previous, current, and potential clients. We’re happy to answer questions you might have about our services.

Our Residential Services in Fair Lawn, NJ

From ants and mice to termites, no pest problem is too challenging for us to handle. Conducting a detailed assessment of your home, we employ environmentally friendly methods to address the infestation promptly. With our regular maintenance programs, you can trust that your property will be shielded from potential pest problems throughout the year.

Quarterly Home Protection Plans

Regular inspections every quarter identify potential pest problems early, preventing larger infestations.

One-Time Pest Services

Address specific pest issues quickly and effectively with a one-time treatment aimed at solving the root of the issue as soon as possible.

Pest Control Programs

We create customized pest control plans based on your unique need for a comprehensive pest treatment.

Rodent Exclusion

Prevent unwanted rodent visitors with our effective exclusion techniques.

Mosquito Service

Specialized treatments significantly reduce and manage mosquito populations, allowing you to enjoy your outdoor space worry-free.

Bed Bugs

Complete inspection and treatment plans eliminate bed bugs from your home so you can get a good night’s sleep.

All Types of Wildlife

We offer safe and effective removal of various types of wildlife from your property without hurting them or damaging your area.


Safely and efficiently remove squirrels from your home or yard, minimizing property damage and restoring your space.


Our professional raccoon removal and prevention services keep these unwanted visitors out of your home.

Our Commercial Services in Fair Lawn, NJ

E&G Pest Solutions understands that maintaining a pest-free environment is critical for your commercial space. This is why we go beyond reactive pest control. We maintain the highest hygiene standards, complying with relevant pest control regulations and prioritizing health and safety. This guarantees that your business is pest-free and compliant. Inspections, eco-friendly plans, and ongoing protection – all designed for your peace of mind.

Food Warehouses

Ensure your food storage facilities remain pest-free with our tailored management programs designed for edible goods warehouses. We focus on preventing contamination and meeting strict health and safety guidelines.

Elderly and Healthcare Centers

Maintain a clean and secure environment in healthcare centers with our specialized pest control methods. Our focus is on prevention and discreet intervention so patients and staff can go about their day-to-day operations normally.

Non-Food Warehouses

Keep your inventory and facilities safe from expensive pest invasions by taking advantage of our custom prevention strategies designed to tackle problems often encountered by warehouses. Rest assured that our goal is to protect your valuable assets so your business can resume normal operations.

Office Buildings

Preserve a clean and pest-free atmosphere in your office buildings to foster a healthy work environment. Give employees a chance to work in peace in an environment designed to promote their health and wellness.

Hospitality Industry

Shield your restaurant from pest intrusions to guarantee food safety and patron contentment. With our targeted approach to managing pests and possible infestations, your reputation is in good hands.

Bed Bugs

Addressing bed bug infestations prevents disruptions and preserves your establishment’s standing. Our thorough inspection and eradication plans guarantee the complete removal of these persistent pests.


Your restaurant is no place for pests and anyone who isn’t there to enjoy a hygienic and healthy meal. Our expertise will make sure that your business meets local health regulations by maintaining a pristine dining environment where your patrons can fill their stomachs to their heart’s desire without interruption.

Special Services

We put the extra in extraordinary. It doesn’t matter if it’s at home or at work. If you need help in areas that you can’t find the right professional for, why not give us a call? We don’t just keep pests away from your home and your business. We also fix the problems they cause and the damage they leave behind.

Rodent and Wildlife Cleanup/Disinfecting

Our expert team eradicates all remnants left by rodents and wildlife, restoring your property to a pristine, hygienic state free from potential health risks.

Insulation Removal and Replacement

Outdated or compromised insulation can become a breeding ground for pests and allergens. If they’ve been in use for years, it might be time to replace them. This is better for your home’s thermal efficiency and overall comfort.

Gutter Cleaning and Gutter Tunnels

Prevent water-related damage and pest infestations with our thorough gutter cleaning. You can also call us to install a new gutter and keep water flowing to where it should be and away from where it shouldn’t.

Duct Cleaning

Enhance indoor air quality and maximize system performance with our specialized HVAC cleaning, eliminating dust, allergens, and other harmful particles from your ventilation network.

Structural Damage Repair

We excel in repairing the damage inflicted by pests or environmental factors, reinforcing your property’s structural integrity, and preventing future complications.

Real Estate Inspections

Safeguard your real estate investments with our meticulous property inspections, offering peace of mind to both buyers and sellers by ensuring a pest-free environment.

Common Pest Problems We Solve

From ants and mice to termites, bed bugs, and even pesky intruders like squirrels or raccoons, our skilled team is prepared to tackle them all. We’re specialists in delivering pest control strategies designed to meet your individual requirements and ensure a pest-free space. Here at E&G Pest Solutions, your property and its safety, especially against pests, is our priority. We have also been serving the Fort Lee Area Since 1981.

Why Choose E&G Pest Exterminators in Fair Lawn

When it comes to pest control in Fair Lawn, you can rely on E&G Pest Exterminators for your pest control needs. Here are five compelling reasons why you should call us.


Localized Experience

With years of experience serving the same area, our team understands the unique pest challenges faced by residents in this region.


Safe and Effective Methods

We prioritize eco-friendly solutions in our pest control methods to minimize the impact on the environment. We combine prevention, monitoring, and control for a holistic, safe, and more effective approach that doesn’t waste time, money, and resources.


Emergency Response Team

We understand that pest emergencies can occur at any time. While we’ll try our best to prevent them from happening, we’re also available in case your home finds itself at the other end of an invasion.

Proactive Pest Management

Our proactive approach to pest control focuses on preventing infestations before they occur. In addition to our pest control services, we offer educational resources to help you prevent future infestations.

Flexible Scheduling

Whether you need a one-time treatment or ongoing maintenance, we work with you to find a convenient schedule that meets your needs. We’ll work with you to accommodate your busy lifestyle.

Our Partners and Awards

Why Customers Like Us!


Great service, knowledgeable, professional, and on TIME!!! The technician, Gianni, was very polite when entering my home (he even took his boots off). He was thorough checking my attic and gave me pointers on what to look for when it comes to squirrels, raccoons, even bats and mice. He then proceeded onto the roof showing me where the Raccoons were getting into the attic. He made sure everything was secured and sealed. I would definitely recommend E&G Pest Solutions to family and friends. Great experience!!! Thank you again Gianni.

Vibez Gaming

We prefer John but are happy to have anybody come to spray for ants and fill the bait traps back up. John has been coming to our place for over 15 years so he knows the layout best which is why we prefer him, but we always get exceptional service from anyone who comes! The receptionists are helpful scheduling is around office hours since we have a home office. And every single technician is professional and friendly and always willing to listen to us to go above and beyond what they would normally do! We live with our back to the woods so we have them out every week or so in the spring and summer to spray for ants and every month in the winter to help control the mice situation. They’ve even gotten rid of flying squirrels for us! Can’t beat E&G!

Rita M.

About three weeks ago i had someone from E&G come out and give me a estimate for raccoons. I had decided to go with the Company They sent out their animal man Eddie Morris and I’m so happy they did he was not only very knowledgeable but very kind and did a thorough inspection of my home and did a marvelous job. he put a one way tunnel on and told me to wait 2 weeks if i don’t hear the noises they would come back out to clean and sanitize and seal the entries. I would recommend this company to anyone.

Louis T.

I have used E & G for many years and have been extremely satisfied with the service. Both customer service and technical competence, particularly the specialist, John R. is amazing. Knowledgeable, detailed, attentive and a creative problem solver. Plus super kind and friendly to work with.

Jill in Highland Park

Frequently Asked Questions

Pests gain entry into homes through vulnerabilities in the building structure that provide passage and shelter. Small gaps in siding, gaps under doors, roof overhangs near trees or shrubs, and unsealed vents are common entry points for pests seeking refuge indoors. Insects such as beetles and spiders may be carried in on plants or firewood. Exclusion techniques like caulking cracks, weather-stripping doors, trimming vegetation away from the house, and storing firewood away from the structure are effective measures against pest intrusion.

You’ll encounter pests like ants, cockroaches, rodents, bed bugs, and termites at home. So, it’s not enough to do just “one” thing to prevent them from returning. To make sure that pests stay away for good, you have to take a multi-step approach. You can start by maintaining cleanliness at home, sealing entry points, eliminating sources of standing water (and this includes fixing leaks), and storing food in sealed containers where pests can’t get in.

Believe it or not, pests can damage homes down to a structural level, and we aren’t talking about termites. While it’s true that termites are notorious for driving home prices down, they aren’t alone. Rodents can indeed cause significant structural damage to your property if the infestation is left for a long time. Timely intervention by a professional pest control service can help prevent costly repairs.

Before a pest control treatment, remove food items, cover dishes, and vacate the premises with pets. After treatment, follow instructions regarding ventilation and cleaning provided by our technicians. The most important part here is listening to what the professionals have to say to you to get the most out of the treatment and minimize any potential risk to you, your family, and the immediate environment.

Call Now If You Need Pest Control Specialists in Fair Lawn, NJ Today!

If pests have become a concern in Fair Lawn, NJ take action now by contacting E&G Exterminators! Our team offers dependable pest control in Fair Lawn based on your specific needs. Whether you’re dealing with rodents, termites, bed bugs, or any other pests, rest assured we can address them all. Secure the safety and tranquility of your residence or commercial space by selecting a reliable ally devoted to upholding a pest-free setting. Reach out to us now to set up a meeting and start the process towards a pest-free property.

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